Welcome to ttt.func.zone!

This is the func.zone TTT server, ran by experienced players, and built on enjoyable, casual, and semi-vanilla gameplay.

If you like what we got going here, you can learn more about our community at our home page, https://func.zone. Be sure to also join our Steam group at https://func.zone/steam, and join our Discord server at http://func.zone/discord.


Gameplay Rules

  1. No random deathmatch (also known as RDM).
  2. No traitor baiting (also known as T-baiting), or otherwise fooling people into thinking you're a traitor.
  3. No ghosting, metagaming, or teaming. Generally, transmitting information about the game outside of the game is against the rules.
  4. No NSFW sprays. Generally, anything with genitals is not allowed.
  5. Claiming an area or areas is not allowed.
  6. On that note, you ARE allowed to warn people away, however please try to adhere to our restrictions. Theres atleast a two second delay between each warn, and there must be atleast three warns. After this, you're allowed to kill whoever isn't adhering to the warning. Don't use this as an excuse for RDM.

Social Conduct

  1. No discriminatory speech or excessive toxicity. This is on the basis of race, gender, sexuality, etc.
  2. No spamming. Micspamming is okay if you keep it to a minimum. Generally, don't be obnoxious or overbearing.
  3. No NSFW content. This shares the same restrictions as sprays.
  4. Don't make threats against our server or our users. It won't be tolerated. Yes, we really have to write this.

User Ranks

Some ranks are time-based and given by how long you've played on the server. You can look at how long you've been playing via the utime addon, aka the blue panel usually in the top right of your screen.

If you're actively part of the community, other ranks are given if you create a certain type of content.

Other ranks are given if you take part in or help the server directly.

Server Info

Blood Moons

Fridays and Sundays are our servers Blood Moons; an event that makes the server a little more chaotic. During this event, you'll notice a higher prop power, extra gore, and reduced visibility at lower health. Be sure to play more carefully, or become a victim!

Staff Information

All staff members have their names colored in the scoreboard; anyone without it isn't a staff member!

Staff Members
Name SteamID Rank
Steven STEAM_0:1:48971987 Owner
Bunnies2000 STEAM_0:0:77968520 Admin
Smivvie STEAM_0:1:62930903 Admin

If you feel that any of the staff are abusing their power, or if you've otherwise had issues, please contact Steven STEAM_0:1:48971987 on Steam or on our Discord server.


12/05/21 - Holiday Season Update

05/23/21 - Initial (func.zone Site Revamp)